
Christ to the World drama programs are a series of programs focusing on bringing persons to a saving knowledge of and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The drama programs are 20-25 minutes in length. Each are in the areas of pre-evangelism and evangelism. Based on Scripture, they are designed to awaken an interest in spiritual matters in the listener and stir within a hunger for God. They are fast paced and involve a great deal of action and dialogue. Each one ends with an invitation to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Note: Click below to listen to audio drama.

  1. To help listeners understand who Jesus is and what He came to do.
  2. To help listeners come to faith in Christ.
The study guides will provide an overview of the life and ministry of Christ, with special emphasis on His supernatural birth, His mighty works including power over death, His teachings, and His death on the cross for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead.

Series One - The Story Within: Persons who Met Jesus:

Description: This is a series of 13 programs and studies of persons who met Jesus. Emphasis is on how their lives were changed by meeting the Savior.

1. Nicodemus- The Man who came at Night
2. The Woman at the Well- Jesus and and a Thirsty Woman
3. The Good Samaritan
4. Feeding the Five Thousand- A Boy's lunch feeds a Multitude
5. Demon Possessed Men- Jesus and the Madman
6. Zacchaeus- The Tax Collector who climbed the Tree
7. Rich Young Ruler- Who could not say "Yes"
8. Blind From Birth- Jesus Heals a Man born Blind
9. Mary Magdalene- A Demon-Possessed Woman becomes a Faithful Follower
10. One of the Multitude- A Paralytic comes through the Roof READ
11. Adulterous Woman- A Woman caught in Adultery

Series Two: The Life of Christ

Description: This series of 25 studies provides an overview of the life and ministry of Christ, with special emphasis on His supernatural birth, His mighty works, His teachings and His death on the cross for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead.

Purpose: The purpose of the series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The learner will gain an understanding of the person and work of Christ.

Introduction- The Promise of a Savior
  1. The Mother of Jesus
  2. Joseph the Carpenter
  3. Birth of Jesus
  4. Childhood of Jesus
  5. John the Baptist
  6. The Sons of Thunder
  7. Jesus Begins the Ministry
  8. Jesus Calls Matthew
  9. Simon the Zealot
  10. Jesus Ministers to the Disciples
  11. Jesus and Peter
  12. Through the Roof
  13. The Foolish Builder
  14. Mathias Meets the Master
  15. Jesus and the Leper
  16. The Prodigals Meet Jesus
  17. The Transfiguration
  18. Jesus the True Shepherd
  19. The Raising of Lazarus
  20. The Lieutenant Meets the King
  21. Authorities Plot Against Jesus
  22. The Lord's Supper
  23. The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus
  24. The Resurrection of Jesus
  25. The Great Commission and Ascension

Series Three: The Early Church (Book of Acts)

Description: This is the thrilling account of the early Christian church as portrayed in the first 12 chapters of Acts.

1. Luke and Theophilus
2. The Ascension
3. Pentecost
4. Peter’s Preaching/3000 Saved
5. Lame Man at Temple
6. Peter and John in Trouble
7. Ananias and Sapphira
8. Multitudes Healed
9. Apostles in Prison
10. First Deacons
11. Stephen
12. Saul Persecution the Church
13. Philip in Samaria
14. Ethiopian Eunuch
15. Saul’s Conversion
16. Ananias and Saul
17. Saul and Barnabas
18. Aeneas Healed
19. Dorcas Healed
20. Cornelius
21. Peter at Joppa
22. Disciples at Antioch (first called Christians)
23. James Killed by Herod
24. Peter Delivered from Prison

Encounters with Jesus

Description: This series of dramas and printed resources deals with encounters with Jesus by various persons from throughout His ministry. In these studies we learn of the mighty power of Jesus to save and transform a person’s life. The word encounter is a key word in the series. Just as individuals who encountered Jesus during His earthly ministry were changed, so persons today who encounter Christ are changed.

Purpose: The purpose of this series of studies is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ and to follow in baptism and a life of discipleship.

Two Part Series : 20 Dramas Total


Who is Jesus?

Description: This is a series of 8 dramas/study guides based on Jesus’ revelation of Himself in the Gospel of John. The series is built primarily around the great “I Am” statements of Jesus.

Purpose: The purpose of the series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The series provides the listener/reader with unique insights into the Person of Jesus through metaphors of everyday objects and concepts people are familiar with.

8 Dramas

The Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul

Description: This is a three-part series based on Acts 13-28, along with parts of Acts 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and selected portions of his letters to the churches. It follows the life and ministry of the apostle Paul from his early background and persecution of the church to his dramatic conversion and then his ministry across the Greco-Roman world, ending with him facing martyrdom in Rome.

Paul was born most likely in the first decade of the first century and was executed probably in A.D. 67. His conversion likely took place in A.D. 35. The events in Acts 13-28 took place during the years A.D. 47- 63.

Purpose: The series is evangelistic in nature, showing the universality of the Gospel; that any person can receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life by trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The series demonstrates the mighty power of God to break down the strongholds of Satan and bring men and women to the light of His truth. It shows how God guided the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

3 Part Series - 36 Total Dramas

Persons in the Book of Acts who met Jesus

Description: This series of 10 dramas/study guides is built around 10 persons who met Jesus, as recounted in the book of Acts.

Purpose: The purpose of the series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and follow Him.

10 Dramas

The Life and Ministry of John Mark

Description: This series of 7 dramas/study guides follows the life and ministry of the man who wrote the first Gospel.

Purpose: The purpose of the series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

7 Dramas


  1. The Triumphant Entry
  2. Passover
  3. Death
  4. Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
  1. Old Testament Pointers to Jesus
  2. A Panoramic view of the Old Testament
  3. Sabias- The meaning of Salvation. A clear approach using interactive concept learning methods to understand the Salvation of Christ Jesus