IBRA Media

IBRA ministers through internet, satellite television, video, cassettes, radio, education and follow-up. Every day several hundred hours of Christian programming are broadcast to all parts of the world from 200 different radio transmitters. IBRA's policy is to purchase airtime from established radio stations rather than to build and maintain its own transmitters. Through IBRA's ministry, about half of the world's population has opportunity to hear programs about Jesus Christ. And yet, several hundred million people are still waiting to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

IBRA's vision is to reach all the unreached peoples of the world whose only hope of hearing the Gospel is through mass media. Within the framework of "World by Radio", IBRA cooperates with several other major world-wide Christian radio organizations so that all nations, peoples and tribes will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in a language they can understand.

web site: http://www.ibra.se