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MORE TESTIMONIES:Olga: "I listen to these radio dramas at my workplace. I love radio dramas, but nowadays no one uses them any more. And you have biblical themes! I haven’t read the Bible, but I know about some heroes of the Bible, like Jesus, the Mother of God, and Mary Magdalene. These dramas are very interesting to listen to, I learn a lot, and also… well, I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel… peace in my soul. And the discussion after the drama helps me to understand who Jesus Christ really is, and also to understand Christians, why they choose to follow Him." Svetlana: "I am so impressed by your programs! I will be using them to help my non-Christian friends to start reading the Bible." Margarita (not a Christian, but regularly listens to FEBC): "It is such a pleasure to listen to these wonderful dramas. Today’s story about Mary Magdalene reflected a lot of what is going on in my life. What I really appreciated, though, is that there was a clear explanation of how to resolve my problems. Thank you." Victor: "Thank you for these great dramas. I listen to you at work, and all my friends listen with me. I’d like to have these dramas on a CD." Nina: "Your dramas are very touching, very emotional, I was listening and crying. It just touches your heart. The music adds a lot to these presentations, it helps to feel the story."
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