Albania Home | Albania Programs

Finding Living Water (Albanian):


  1. Noeu Dhe Arka
    01 Noah And The Ark
  2. Moisiu Ne Detin E Kuq
    02 Moses At The Red Sea
  3. Profeti Elia
    03 The Prophet Elijah
  4. Gjon Pagezori Jezusi
    04 John Baptizes Jesus
  5. Gruaja Te Pusi
    05 The Woman At The Well
  6. Jezusi Qeteson Stuhine
    06 Jesus Calms The Storm

Hard Questions About God (Albanian):


  1. A Ka Nje Perendi
    01 Is There A God
  2. A Interesohet Perendia Per Mua
    02 Does God Care About Me
  3. A E Di Perendia Se Kush Jam Une
    03 Does God Know Who I Am
  4. Pse E Lejon Perendia Vuajtjen A
    04 Why Does God Allow Suffering A
  5. Pse E Lejon Perendia Vuajtjen B
    05 Why Does God Allow Suffering B
  6. Pse Te Drejtet Vdesin Te Rinj
    06 Why Do The Just Die Young
  7. Pse Duket Sikur Fiton Gjithmone E Keqja
    07 Why Does Evil Always Seem To Win

Stories of Hope (Albanian):


  1. Noeu Dhe Arka
    01 Noah And The Ark
  2. Jozefi Dhe Vellezerit E Tij
    02 Joseph
  3. Rahabi
    03 Rahab
  4. Danieli Ne Gropen E Luaneve
    04 Daniel In The Lions Den
  5. Disheoujt E Jezusit
    05 Jesus Disciples
  6. Gjoni Ne Patmos
    06 John On Patmos