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Four Great Events in the Life of Jesus w/ Q&A (Portuguese):
Hard questions about God (Portuguese):
- Portuguese
01 - Is There A God - Portuguese
02 - Does God Care About Me - Portuguese
03 - Does God Know Who I Am - Portuguese
04 - Why Does God Allow Suffering Part A - Portuguese
05 - Why Does God Allow Suffering Part B - Portuguese
06 - Why Do The Just Die Young - Portuguese
07 - Why Does Evil Always Seem To Win
Seven Great Days in the Life of Jesus (Guarani):
- Guarani
01 - The Day Jesus - Guarani
02 - The Day Of Jesus Bapt And Tempt - Guarani
03 - The Days Of Jesus Teaching - Guarani
04 - The Day Of Jesus Transfiguration - Guarani
05 - The Day Of Jesus Death - Guarani
06 - The Day Of Jesus Resurrection - Guarani
07 - The Day Of Jesus Ascension
Seven Great Days in the Life of Jesus w/ Q&A (Guarani):
Seven Great Days in the Life of Jesus w/ Q&A (Portuguese):
The Story of Redemption (Guarani):
- Guarani
- Guarani
- Guarani
- Guarani
- Guarani
- Guarani
- Guarani
- Guarani
08 - A great Beginning - Guarani
09 - An Early Ending - Guarani
10 - The Promise - Guarani
11 - The Sacrifice - Guarani
12 - The Messenger - Guarani
13 - The Message - Guarani
14 - Out of Egypt - Guarani
15 - The Demand For A King - Guarani
16 - Into The Silent Years - Guarani
17 - Wise Men From The East - Guarani
18 - The Birth Of The Savior - Guarani
19 - The Son Of Man - Guarani
20 - The Good Shepherd - Guarani
21 - The Son Of God - Guarani
22 - The Lamb Of God - Guarani
23 - Redemption
The Story of Redemption (Portuguese):
- 01 - A Great Beginning
- 02 - An Early Ending
- 03 - The Promise
- 04 - The Sacrifice
- 05 - The Messenger
- 06 - The Message
- 07 - Out of Egypt
- 08 - The Demand for a King
- 09 - Into the Silent Years
- 10 - Wise Men from the East
- 11 - The Birth of the Savior
- 12 - The Son of Man
- 13 - The Good Shepherd
- 14 - The Son of God
- 15 - The Lamb of God
- 16 - Redemption
The Story of Redemption (Portuguese):
- 01 - O Grande Inicio
- 02 - O Final Antecipado
- 03 - A Promessa
- 04 - O Sacrificio
- 05 - O Mensageiro
- 06 - A Mensagem
- 07 - Fora Do Egito
- 08 - Um Novo Rei
- 09 - Anos De Silencio
- 10 - Magos Do Oriente
- 11 - Nascimento Do Salvador
- 12 - O Filho Do Homem
- 13 - O Bom Pastor
- 14 - O Filho De Deus
- 15 - O Cordeiro De Deus
- 16 - A Historia Da Redencao
The Story of Redemption w/ Q&A (Portuguese):